Webbutik eller bokning
We can create an online shop or a booking system for your business website. Our design team will make the design so it works best for your needs. We also offer web design if you want to update your website at the same time as installing your new booking system or online shop

Digitala restaurangmenyer
A digital restaurant menu will often be the first thing a future customer will look at and that will be their first impression of your company. Therefor is a well-functioning and good looking online menu very important. Our experienced web design team will create a digital online menu that represent the style of your business.
A responsive website is when the website work on all type of devices. When you hire us for making your website we will also make sure it is responsive.

All our websites come with an SSL Certificate. That means that your website’s sensitive information (names, passwords, email etc.) are secure.
Interaktiva enheter
We offer domain and server hosting for websites, digital online menus, storage clouds and much more. Our team will set up everything for you and make sure your files are secure.

3D Integrerade webbplatser
3D integrated websites are not very common and will make you stand out from the crowd if you have it. Our team can design and create the 3D items on your website, for example it can be your logo or one of your products.
Hybrid, IOS- eller Android-appar
In society, mobiles and tablets are increasingly important in our everyday lives. Along with this factor, apps are more sought after and used for many types of business. Our team can design and create the ideal app for your company.

Video & Fotostudio
To have professional photos and video content for your business is very good way to stand out and optimize tour SEO. We will take care of every step of the production to finished product, but we can also to the parts that you don’t enjoy. Maybe you love filming but hate editing? Or love editing and hates taking photos?
Our experienced design team can create designs for business cards, flyers, signs, menus, websites and much more.