Domæner & Server Hosting

Vi tilbyder domæne- og serverhosting til hjemmesider, Digitale online menuer, Lagringsskyer og meget mere. Vores team vil oprette alt for dig og sørge for, at dine filer er sikre.

Brugerdefineret e-mailadresse

A custom company email straightens the credibility of your business compare to if you use a Gmail or Outlook email. We will help you to set it up and install the necessary programs on your computer. We can also create professional and pretty email signatures templates.


Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to promote your business. Our team can create email templates that are easy for you to personalize for your every need or we can prepare and write the emails for you.


Alle vores hjemmesider leveres med et SSL-certifikat. Det betyder, at dit websteds følsomme oplysninger (Navne, Adgangskoder, e-mail osv.) er sikre.


We offer 24/7* IT support when you use any of our digital services.