
可以使用我们的在线会议 24 一天数, 只需单击一下或二维码即可访问, 无需下载任何应用程序, 它可以集成到您自己的网站中. 在会议中,您可以在仅使用音频或视频之间切换, 或两者同时进行.

您可以根据需要为不同的目的创建任意数量的不同会议室, 通过内部在线会议, 展示产品等. 您也可以免费向其他公司和协会提供服务.


Web 应用程序是一种您可以从任何 Web 浏览器使用的软件. A web app can for example be an online folder that you can access from everywhere whereyou can keep all your documents or other important files in.

混合, IOS 或安卓应用程序

In society, mobiles and tablets are increasingly important in our everyday lives. Along with this factor, apps are more sought after and used for many types of business. Our team can design and create the ideal app for your company.

光盘 / 影碟 / Download Cards

More people are opting for digital music, which makes it portable, more accessible and allows you to listen whenever and wherever you want.


When your business is growing and more your hire more staff it can be hard for everyone to keep on track with the tasks. Our team can create a task management software that are customized after your business needs. You can access this software from multiple devices and every person can get their own account. This makes it easy for you to see how many tasks your business got, when they need to be done, who is making it and much more.


A digital restaurant menu will often be the first thing a future customer will look at and that will be their first impression of your company. Therefor is a well-functioning and good looking online menu very important. Our experienced web design team will create a digital online menu that represent the style of your business.


借助我们广泛的工具和技能, 我们根据您的喜好保证您空间的构成和装饰, 从乙烯基, 到照明, 装饰牌, 以及更多.

通过为您创建交互式 3D 建筑可视化应用程序, 您将能够看到未来并在您梦想中的房子或企业中走动, 在它被建造或装饰之前. 别着急, 这不仅仅是一个视频, 但更像是一个电子游戏,您可以沉浸其中并享受每一个细节.


The game development involves a wide variety of skill and a specialized team. Our team have the knowledge to develop the most varied multimedia and mobile applications, including video games and interactive system. We will program the most suitable multimedia or apps for your business.