
Take a ride into the future by visiting & interacting with your project modeled and rendered in 3D where you can stay all the time you want in this virtual application.

The following steps to help it become real:

从建筑项目中以 3D 方式提升墙壁

3D PBR 纹理 & 对象放置


摄影 测量

Photogrammetry is the art and science of extracting the 3D information from photographs. To do this we need to take several photographs of a structure, object or space and turn them into 2D or 3D digital models.

交互式建筑可视化应用程序开发 (桌面 / 移动)

借助我们广泛的工具和技能, 我们保证根据您的喜好对您的空间进行组成和装饰, 从乙烯基, 到照明, 装饰牌匾, 等等.

通过为您创建 3D 交互式建筑可视化应用程序, 您将能够看到未来,并在您梦想中的房子或企业中漫步, 甚至在建造或装饰之前. 别着急, 这不仅仅是一个视频, 但更像是一个视频游戏,你可以沉浸其中,享受每一个细节.

Interior Design