3D Studio

  • Interaktivní architektura & Interiéru

With the help of our wide range of tools and skills, we guarantee the composition and decoration of your space considering your preference, from vinyl, to lighting, decorative plaques, and much more.

By creating an Interactive Archviz App in 3D just for you, you will be able to see the future and walk around your dream house or business, before it was even built or decorated. Take your time, this is not just a video, but more like a Videogame where you can immerse yourself and enjoy every detail.

  • Fotogrammetrie

Photogrammetry is the art and science of extracting the 3D information from photographs. To do this we need to take several photographs of a structure, object or space and turn them into 2D or 3D digital models.

  • Modelování & Sochařství

  • Texturování

Texturing is when we add a flat picture to a 3D model to create the illusion that it has a texture. When we are creating a 3D model we always work with texturing to make the model look more alive and realistic.

  • Animace

  • Speciální efekty

  • 3D Tisk

3D tisk je, když vezmeme digitální soubor a vytiskneme trojrozměrný pevný objekt. Společně s naším projekčním týmem můžeme přijít s 3D návrhem, který vyhovuje vašim potřebám. Vytiskneme vaše logo, menší dekorace a mnoho dalšího.

  • 3D Integrated Web Development

3D integrated websites are not very common and will make you stand out from the crowd if you have it. Our team can design and create the 3D items on your website, for example it can be your logo or one of your products.